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How to Self Publish on Kindle

Over the last few years eBooks have become increasingly popular and more and more authors are choosing to publish their work on Kindle as a way of selling their books.

So how do you self publish on Kindle? Every year millions of books are now being published on Kindle giving more and more upcoming authors the opportunity to actually breakthrough in the world of literacy when traditional publishers are turning them down. One of the more popular publishing programmes is that of Amazon Kindle. which is also one of the biggest platforms for self publishing and promoting eBooks?

How to self publish on Kindle is relatively straightforward providing you have the right information. Once you have actually written your book and decided on a title the next thing you need to do is write a brief description and submit a cover in the form of a JPEG or GIF. Once this is upload you then simply upload the file of your book. This file can be in a word document (.doc), PDF document or a word web page (html). You can then view your book once all has been uploaded, to view how it will appear on Kindle.

Once you are happy with how your eBook looks, all you have to do is decide on a price. Publishing on Kindle offers authors two pricing options with 35% and 70% royalty options. Kindle also offers authors the chance to enrol on Amazons lending library facility. Here you can earn yourself even more money each time your book has been borrowed by subscribers and users.

Donald Murray

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