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Designing a Twitter Background

Different kinds of people are now on Twitter. Even technical writers are now using the social network to promote their documentation services. If you have your own Twitter account, you should design an appropriate background.

When you create your profile page on Twitter, a default background is often given to you. If you want to create substantial impact, you should use custom-designed backgrounds. It is an effective way of generate more traffic.

How can you design your Twitter background?

What kind of information do you want to convey to Twitter users? You need to choose the right information, palette, and color for the sidebar. You can see the background next to the message column. The image does not contain image maps and so you can’t insert HTML links. Once you switch the image, the default background is changed.

For a more professional and cleaner look (for those who want to use Twitter as a marketing tool), don’t include any tile on the image.

There are image editing programs that you can use like Photoshop that allows you to save in GIF or JPG format. You need to create a large image that can occupy the computer screen but without tiling. A rectangle of 780 pixels x 1200 pixels is just right. If this size is not enough to cover the whole screen, you can increase the size by making it longer or wider.

For your information bar, you can line up your images or photos, business info, and website; this bar can be found on the upper left of the background image. It can also include your name, job title, blog URL, specialty, social network URL, and other important information.

Try to save everything as image. You can also create much smaller files by saving it ‘for web’ (if you’re using Photoshop). After that, click on the settings and then ‘Design’. Click on the link ‘change background image’. By clicking on ‘browse’, you can now find the image that you’ve previously created. Leave the tile check-box unchecked. Finally, click on ‘save changes’. After several seconds, you will have a custom Twitter background image.

Your background on Twitter tells a lot about your personality. If you plan to use Twitter for online marketing, make the background more professional. However, if you’re planning to use Twitter exclusively for making friends and staying connected, make your background more friendly and inviting. Make sure that it suits your image and personality. Cool backgrounds are great for youngsters. There are many editing programs that you can use aside from Photoshop’ it’s up to you to choose the best one that can provide the best background ever.

For technical writers and other serious professions, stick to simple and basic background designs. Having a formal look can also attract formal followers who are serious in their business. Hurry and change your background now. If you have a hard time in following the instructions mentioned earlier, ask someone who has been using Twitter for some time; perhaps some of your friends or relatives know how to edit the background.

Twitter backgrounds can be custom made. If you don’t want to use the default background, change the image now. Find an editing program and start making the changes. Choose the information well especially those contained on the information bar.

Be creative and simple to develop a sensible background.

Donald Murray

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